Legal Notice

The website is owned and managed by SISTEMAS PHOENIX MECANO ESPAÑA, S.A. (hereinafter, PHOENIX MECANO ESPAÑA), a Spanish commercial company, with registered office at calle Tarento Number 15, Plataforma Logística PLAZA, Zaragoza (Spain), Post Code 50197, with Tax Identification Number (NIF) A50645142, and registered in the Zaragoza Trade Registry in Volume 1791, Folio 151, Page Z-16634..

Our business hours are Monday-Thursday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, and Friday from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, excluding bank holidays. During the month of August, our summer hours are Monday-Friday from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm..

You can contact us on our contact form, by telephone at +34 976 786 080 or by e-mail at [email protected]. If you would like to contact PHOENIX MECANO ESPAÑA for matters other than EZOORD products or your purchase, please see the general form.

This legal notice includes general information about this website, its products and services, and about PHOENIX MECANO ESPAÑA. The purchase of the products offered through the website shall be governed exclusively by the provisions of the General Contract Terms and Conditions in force at the time of placing the order.

Processing of personal data

Through this website personal data is collected on the occasion of your access and visits, and the requests, queries, orders and other user interactions, which will be processed by PHOENIX MECANO ESPAÑA in accordance with the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy.

Intellectual and industrial property

This website, the domain name and its contents, including its programming and design, databases, text and images, audiovisual content, trademarks, trade names and other distinctive features, are protected by national and international regulations on intellectual and industrial property and are the exclusive property of PHOENIX MECANO ESPAÑA or third parties who have authorised their use.

In particular, “EZOORD” is a registered trademark of PHOENIX MECANO SPAIN to identify the range of products offered on this website..

The mere access or use of the website does not imply authorisation or license, waiver, transfer, or total or partial assignment of any of the above rights in favour of a third party, which will require the prior express written consent of PHOENIX MECANO ESPAÑA or the legitimate owners of such rights.

Any unauthorised use of the above elements, outside the cases expressly permitted by law and with the exceptions included in this document, will be considered an infringement of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as a breach of these terms, and will entitle PHOENIX MECANO ESPAÑA to take any appropriate civil or criminal action, including the claim for damages that the foregoing may have caused.

Disclaimer of guarantees and liability

Access, browsing and use of this website is the sole responsibility of the user. The information and contents of this website shall not form part of a contractual offer and shall not give rise to a claim for these concepts, except in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions.

PHOENIX MECANO ESPAÑA does not guarantee continued access, nor the correct visualisation, downloading or utility of the elements or information of this website that may be impeded, hindered or interrupted by factors beyond its control, nor that the content of the same is permanently updated, without inaccuracies or imprecision. In case of possible errors, interruptions or lack of updates, please contact us as soon as possible in order to correct them as soon as you become aware of them.

This website may contain links to other websites, without the foregoing implying conformity, validation or approval of the content or services to which it is linked. In general, and unless legally required, PHOENIX MECANO ESPAÑA shall not assume any liability for the foregoing.

Copyright © Sistemas Phoenix Mecano España, S.A., Spain. All Rights Reserved.